Saturday, September 14, 2013

Introductions, please

Hello blogger world! I am back for another new adventure. Here are the basics that every student always has to share on the first day of school. My name is Kjerstin and I am a Spanish and Community Sociology double major with a minor in Leadership. I am finishing my last semester of college where I am constantly reminded to reflect on my experiences at school. More specifically, I am in a "Leadership Portfolio Seminar" class where my fellow classmates and I analyze how we have grown in leadership at Wartburg. Questions that we are asked to reflect upon are:

What did you learn through your time at Wartburg?
What were specific leadership experiences that you had?
How will these experiences aid you in the future? How will you use the leadershiup lessons that you learned?

Rather than having a professor tell us what we did right or wrong in leadership, we, the students, are the ones who are called upon to measure leadership growth.

Additionally, rather than just writing a four to five page paper, I find that expressing myself in a blog lets me be a little more free with my thoughts and my experiences. As the assignments roll in, I will make sure to keep you, the readers, up-to-date with what has made me who I am.

Ready for the ride?

And so it begins.

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